"Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them."
Check Out the Official Taken By Towle Theme Song! "You're Going Down!"
New lies still coming in!
Mark Towle's Attorney just sent a demand for some Bat mirrors Mark Towle gave Scott Lee as a Gift as well as a trashed Beacon Mark Towle claimed was already Scott Lee's property!
As unbelievable as it might seem, Mark Towle is still sending flat out lies and demands to Scott Lee. Mark Towle when attempting to rip jurisdiction from West Virginia put in the Court a sworn to be true Declaration that he had sent Scott Lee a set of mirrors as a gift and that he had also sent Scott Lee a Beacon Cage but that this was already his property and that this meant that he never actually sent any parts while doing business with Scott Lee in West Virginia. Here are his statements sworn to be true. Check out #12 and #13 in Mark Towles Sworn Declaration where he claims he sent Scott Lee some mirrors as a gift and also that he sent a Beacon to Scott Lee that was already his property
![Towle Affidavitt page 1](images/Towe-affadavit1.jpg)
That's pretty straight forward right? Well that was the bait to get the Court in West Virginia to defer to the Court in California, because he never sent any parts to West Virginia, now here is Towle's switch. Look at what Scott Lee just received from his Attorney Jeremiah Raxter. Mark Towle is pure garbage.
After ripping Scott Lee off, forcing him to defend a frivolous Lawsuit, stealing his work, his money and his replica he pays an attorney to demand the mirrors he gave as a gift and a beacon cage which was garbage and built like crap and wants these sent back to him. The same Beacon that he swore he had never sent doing business to Scott which was already Scott's Property. Would you just look at this letter received on November 10th 2016? Mark Towle is utter white trash. Is this really the type of guy any of you would want to do business with? The Man is a blatant liar at every turn.
Now Mark Towle claims the beacon he sent is no longer John Lee's property and the Mirrors are no longer a gift. The guy is some piece of work alright. Do you really want to deal with an habitual liar like this guy proves time and again he is? It's simply unbelievable!
Scott's response was uhhhhm NO! They are not being returned go read your Declaration BOZO! Scott Lee can get at least $2.00 for the scarred beacon with metal drips all over it and loose attachments from the local salvage yard turned in as scrap metal. Why would he send it back? The Mirrors? Nope they were a gift, rather they were a means of sucking Scott Lee into a second Contract as a gift. They were nice but later Mark Towle admitted he didn't even make them. They were obviously made by someone with some skill and not Mark Towle!
The guy obviously is so low in brain function he can't even recall his own Declarations and what he swore to, or..... he just lies his ass off and attempts to get all he can from people. Which is it? You decide! We already know which it is. You can Bite it Mark Towle. You aren't getting those back.
As the lies continue to pour out of Mark Towle's orifices, we'll publish them here.
Stay Tuned! Same Bat Channel Same Bat Time!