"Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them."
Check Out the Official Taken By Towle Theme Song! "You're Going Down!"
The Defaming Parodies of Competitors
Mark Towle coerced Scott Lee into creating images, cartoons and graphics to damage his competitors, board owners and a former client...
Mark Towle made it very clear to Scott Lee that his duties were to be expanded beyond his contact requirements. Scott objected nearly continually and was forced to concede because Scott Lee did not want to be sued by Mark Towle nor lose his replica, his money or his work. Kory Geick instructed Scott Lee that he had to use his advanced abilities to tear down any enemies Mark Towle perceived he had. Kory Geick and Mark Towle made the following demands on Scott Lee that were complete violations to not only Scott Lee but also his Contract and his rights as a human being. Kory Geick and Mark Towle demanded the following:
- Scott Lee was not to contact any of the competitors of Mark Towle.
- Scott Lee was not to be friends of anyone Mark Towle saw as an enemy or competitor.
- Scott Lee was to create graphics to damage Mark Towle's competitors.
- Scott Lee was to create Cartoons to damage the competitors of Mark Towle.
- Scott Lee was to Create videos to damage the competitors of Mark Towle.
- Scott Lee was to create damaging cartoons of a previous client of Mark Towle's
- Scott Lee was to speak highly of and defend Mark Towle in forums and confront the critics of Mark Towle.
- Scott Lee was to moderate the Gotham Garage forum and delete or Ban those people criticizing Mark Towle from the forum.
BattyLeaks has in it's possession recordings of Scott Lee vehemently arguing with mark Towle that it was not his job to harm other people. As yet we have not decided to release those but likely they will be released shortly. Currently BattyLeaks is consulting with Attorneys and once we get enough Green Lights from legal, those conversations will be published to the complete embarrassment and chagrin to both Kory Geick and Mark Towle!
- Scott Lee felt terrible for being forced to doing these things, but Scott Lee was told the following if he refused.
- You will not get your replica if you do not do these things.
- You will not get your money back if you do not do these things.
- You will be sued by Mark Towle if you do not do these things.
- You can not afford to fight Mark Towle in a Lawsuit, you are just a hillbilly living in a log cabin in the woods.
"I was asked many times if I had a gun to my head and told that what I was publishing was not like me to do and evil. I lost many friends and was expelled from public forums for being associated with Mark Towle and Kory Geick. Towle and Geick both told me I couldn't tell anyone about what was happening to me and that I was under a non-disclosure agreement.
I was led to fully believe that if I didn't do as they demanded I would be sued, lose my replica lose my money, probably lose my home and all that I owned and I had a little girl to take care of. I did have a gun to my head, I had a legal gun at my forehead and it was being held with Towle's hand on me pretty much constantly and reminded to me by Kory Geick continually. Eventually I stood my ground and went on the attack.
I took the fight to Towle regardless of the risks, regardless of my complete ignorance of Law and litigation, I'd had enough of the Bully and his little sidekick! I grabbed Towle's legal gun he held at my head. I ripped it away, spun it back at him and fired! The fight was ON!"
BattyLeaks has in it's possession a recording of Scott Lee vehemently arguing with Mark Towle and refusing fully to do any more damage to other people for Mark Towle and totally defying his Bullying. It should be of interest to all viewing this web site that it was after Scott Lee stood up to Mark Towle and refused to place Mark Towle's Competitor and a former client's initials on tombstones in the 2nd contracted Web Site that Mark Towle refused to proceed and complete the 2nd contract. The Layout was for Mark Towle's Munsters Koach page and Scott Lee stood his ground and said NO! and refused to concede to his aggressive demand to put living people's initials on graves.
The following are some actual samples of what Mark Towle and Kory Geick were coercing out of Scott. These are actual graphics that Scott Lee was forced to do or be sued by Mark Towle which eventually he was anyway.
We at BattyLeaks apologize to the persons parodied in these graphics, but the truth has to be told of who and what Kory Geick and Mark Towle actually are and what they were coercing Scott to do or suffer a lengthy expensive life damaging lawsuit which eventually he did suffer at the unclean hands of Mark Towle regardless of his years of loyalty to him and misplaced trust.
Kory Geick ordered Scott Lee to create this parody advertising to harm Mark Racop and his business Fiberglass Freaks. This graphic was published on the Gotham Garage forum with Scott Lee complaining to Kory Geick that he didn't want to have to do it. Since this was made and posted, Scott Lee has apologized in writing to Mark Racop and also in person viewed one of Mark Racop's replicas and found it to be an amazing jewel of incredible beauty. Everything Kory Geick had been telling Scott Lee about Mark Racop's replicas being poorly built were blatant intentional lies to mislead him.
![Geek Vaseline ad](images/GeekVaseline.jpg)
We at BattyLeaks are limiting this page to a few parody examples of many that were created over the years so as to not further harm the people Mark Towle wished to do damage to at Scott Lee's expense.
This next graphic was used by Mark Towle to leverage his way out of a Ban from a Batmobile Forum that he had been blocked from participating in. He simply used this next graphic to coerce the forum owner into allowing him back into that forum and web site. Mark Towle was restored as a member for ordering Scott to remove this image from his forum. What a Guy! NOT!
![Eric Setlzer Mad Magaxine](images/seltzer.jpg)
BattyLeaks is of the opinion that Eric Seltzer has likely received a letter of legal threat from an Attorney of Mark Towle's and is in fear of a frivolous Lawsuit and cares more about himself than protecting the public. Chickslovethecar.com received such a letter from Mark Towle as now has BattyLeaks, however, BattyLeaks and Chickslovethecar.com are not controlled by any Bully's threats!
BattyLeaks needs to stress that there are many of these parodies that were created and posted as demanded by Mark Towle and Kory Geick however we are not prepared to place most of them back into publication because the actual truth turned out to be that Mark Towle was as deceptive and as dishonest as some of these people had claimed before Scott was lured into his first contract with Mark Towle, even more so.
BattyLeaks also finds it incredibly ironic that Mark Towle has sent a threatening letter indicating that he will sue BattyLeaks for posting parodies of him. What is good for the grouse evidently is not good for the louse! You can view the threatening letters from Mark Towle by Clicking HERE!
Mark Towle also wanted a parody representative of his former client, Chris Woodside. Scott Lee was coerced by Kory Geick into creating a damaging parody cartoon representative of Chris Woodside. We at BattyLeaks will only post a single frame of this cartoon because we are out to prove the truth about Mark Towle and Kory Geick but not out to harm anyone that might have been damaged by Mark Towle and Kory Geick. Scott Lee sent a written apology to Chris Woodside for what he was coerced to do. Chris Woodside has never responded to any efforts Scott has made toward him to apologize.
Chris Woodside can be reached Here! BattyLeaks knows what happened to Chris Woodside and his deal with Mark Towle but without his Sworn Testimony we can not publish the truth. Perhaps Chris will tell you himself or provide us his story? We urge anyone thinking of doing business with Mark Towle to speak with Chris Woodside before making any agreements with Towle.
![Chris Cartoon](images/Chris.jpg)
Mark Racop was the favorite target for Mark Towle and Kory Geick. Scott was coerced and ordered to do may parodies of Mark Racop and his Company Fiberglass Freaks. Many claim today that it was Mark Towle's unethical highly questionable business practices and attacks against Mark Racop that awoke the sleeping giant, DC Comic's and invited the legal permanent injunction banning him from ever building and selling another Batmobile replica. Mark Racop is the only DC Comics licensed Batmobile replica builder in the world. Scott Lee sent a written apology to Mark Racop for the things he was coerced to do. Mark Racop has been very forgiving and accepted Scott Lee's apology. In fact Mark Racop took time at a special event to hang with Scott and allow him to sit in his replica on display in Maryland.
Many video parodies at great expense to Scott Lee's time and efforts were coerced from Scott. These videos, were on YouTube for about a year or more till Scott Lee removed them for non-payment by Mark Towle and the abuse he was continually receiving from Kory Geick. Mark Towle's continued stalls, breaches, and refusal to complete the 2nd Contract demanded that Scott remove the videos which he had maintained control of by uploading them only on his YouTube account. Scott Lee told Mark Towle and Kory Geick they could have them after he received his replica. Scott Lee still has not received his replica nor the return of any of his money.
BattyLeaks will present only one video parody created for Mark Towle but not any of the others.
The following images are of other videos that Scott Lee was ordered by Mark Towle through Kory Geick to create damage to his competitors yet at the same time prop himself up on the pain of his competitors.
![Builder Build Off](video/GoingDown.jpg)
![POS Car](video/sher1.jpg)
![Chicken Dance](video/chicken1.jpg)
![Mr. Herbert](video/mrherbert.jpg)
![Dr. Racop](video/drRacop2.jpg)
![Mark Racop and Scott Lee](images/racopscott.jpg)
Scott Lee with the man that nearly a decade ago warned him strongly not to ever deal with Mark Towle. Scott Lee and Mark Racop are shown here during an event in Maryland years after Scott was completely ripped off but still fighting Mark Towle through a California Superior Court.
"If you plan on doing business with Mark Towle and Kory Geick, Remember, that Mark Towle had no problem with publishing embarrassing content of his former client on the Web that whom had previously paid him big money . Will YOU be Next?"