"Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them."
Check Out the Official Taken By Towle Theme Song! "You're Going Down!"
The Affidavits!
![The McKees width=](images/buttons/mckeeBN.jpg)
![Kevin Patnode](images/buttons/kevinBN.jpg)
"It has been known within the Batman community that Kory Geick has been selling 1966 Batmobiles for Mark Towle, doing Buisness as Gotham Garage."
The following is the actual afidavitt from Leon Waziak, a good person that helped Scott with his sworn statement about the truth of Mark Towle and Kory Geick!
This affidavit was provided by Leon Waziak. Leon provided this affidavit to Scott Lee to prove that Kory Geik DOES have a business elationship with Kory Geick and further proving that Kory Geick commited knowing intentional perjury in his declaration provided to the Circuit Court in West Virginia. Kory Geick and Mark Towle both full well that providing such a perjurious document could have led to Scott's West Virginia case being dismissed, which it was. The Judge ruled Kory Geick was simply a Batmobile Enthusiast helping out. Scott was not aware that he had to present all of his evidence at the hearing. Scott was under the impression that Judge's actually read pleadings. Kory Geick's habitual lying ass caused Scott Lee a lot of grief over many years!
Leon Wasiak is a Batman fan, Professional Modeller, Cosplayer and celebrity Impersonator that lives with his wife Camille Terry, also a celebrity impersonator in Florida. Below is his sworn affidavit where he also swears under oath that Kory Geick was associated with mark Towle and his business. Read his sworn Statement that Kory Geick was working for Mark Towle as his salesman.
![Leon and Camille](images/LeonC.jpg)
![Leon Waziak](images/Leon.jpg)
"Mark Towle stole jurisdiction from West Virginia thereby causing Scott even more financial harm by dishonest and calculated perjury!"
![Leon Waziak Affidavit](images/Wasiak.jpg)
Here again is Kory Geick's perjury he placed in the courts of West Virgina where he lies under oath for Mark Towle. Mark Towle also lied as well claiming Kory Geick never worked for him as well and had never been any agent of his in business.
Kory Geick's Full Perjurious Lying Declaration can be viewed here!
First Page
Second Page
Here is Geick's on-line admission that his job was working for Mark Towle can
be viewed here!
Kory Geick's Admission
![Kory's Admission](images/koryadmissionjpg)
Here is a recording of Kory Geick clearly doing business with and for Mark Towle proving conclusively that they both committed perjury in the Jefferson County Circuit Court of West Virginia within their sworn to be true documents filed in the court. Listen to this!
Kory Geick is a horrible despicable person.... and LIAR!