"Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them."
Check Out the Official Taken By Towle Theme Song! "You're Going Down!"
The Affidavits![](images/12pxtransbox.png)
![The McKees width=](images/buttons/mckeeBN.jpg)
![Leon Waziak](images/buttons/leonBN.jpg)
"It is common knowledge that Kory Geick works for Mark Towle as his salesman..."
The following is the actual afidavitt from Kevin Patnode, a good person that helped Scott with his sworn statement about the truth of Mark Towle and Kory Geick!
Kevin Patnode is a retired Military Specialist, Aircraft Mechanic and CSU Investigator for the Ocala Florida Police Department. Kevin is also a Batmobile Builder. Kevin has been around Batmobiles for many years and he is well versed in the antics of Kory Geick, as a board member for most replica forums for over the past decade. He has witnessed Kory Geick advertise, sell and market replicas for Mark Towle.
The whole issue for jurisdiction came down to whom contacted whom for business first. Mark Towle claimed Scott Lee pursued him for business, Scott Lee claimed the truth stating that he was pursued for business by his salesman Kory Geick. It was Kory Geick that made fist contact with Scott Lee asking him to do business and not the other way around. For whatever reason the Judge had, perhaps he knew that he was too far away from California to enforce any Judgments, but he deferred to Mark Towle's suit in California for resolving the dispute. he dismissed Scott's Lawsuit and told him he had to fight this thing out in California.
Just the same, Scott Lee took the ball into Mark Towle's home court and whooped him.
Scott Lee is very grateful for the people that came to support him. Below is his sworn Affidavit that is filed in three courts, two in West Virginia and one in California. More utter proof positive that Mark Towle and Kory Geick are both calculating liars. They both stated in Court documents that they have never shared any business relationship whatsoever.
![Ptnode House](images/patnodeHouse.jpg)
![Kevin Patnode](images/KevinPatnode.jpg)
"Mark Towle stole jurisdiction from West Virginia thereby causing Scott even more financial harm by dishonest and calculated perjury!"
![Patnode Affidavit](images/PatnodeAffidavit.jpg)
Here again is Kory Geick's perjury he placed in the courts of West Virgina where he lies under oath for Mark Towle. Mark Towle also lied as well claiming Kory Geick never worked for him and had never been any agent of his in business.
Kory Geick's Full Perjurious Lying Declaration can be viewed here!
First Page
Second Page
Here is Geick's on-line admission that his job was working for Mark Towle can
be viewed here!
Kory Geick's Admission
![Kory's Admission](images/koryadmissionjpg)
Here is a recording of Kory Geick clearly doing business with and for Mark Towle proving conclusively that they both committed perjury in the Jefferson County Circuit Court of West Virginia within their sworn to be true documents filed in the court. Listen to this!
Kory Geick is a horrible despicable person.... and LIAR!